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Meet the Team

3John4 Resources offers first-rate products and exceptional customer service to children's ministry workers, home school teachers, VBS directors, or anyone wanting great products to round our their current program. We are here to help make your impact greater and add some extra awesome to your class!

Meet The Team: Meet The Team

Patricia Meyers

Patricia Meyers (aka Miss Pat or just Pat) has over 25 years of experience in children’s ministry. She and her husband have raised three children (two of whom she homeschooled from middle school through high school), and have six awesome grandchildren! For the majority of the ‘90s through 2001 she served a thriving church as their full-time Children’s Minister, growing the volunteer team from one in the single digits to one of over 300 (the volunteers outnumbered the kids!). Pat’s strengths are originality, creativity, ability to inspire and motivate as well as a strong conviction to safety and wisdom in staffing rooms and applying truths, and she has used those strengths to encourage and equip teachers through speaking at conferences and private training events as well as by producing relevant, fun products that offer a fresh infusion of joy and vitality to their classrooms.


Amy Middleton

Amy is Pat's youngest daughter, and is a single mama to an amazing four year old boy. Amy has always had a passion for little ones and since the age of 12 has been teaching in her church's preschool and toddler classrooms as well as working as a private nanny to countless kiddos. Her two main roles at 3John4 Resources are writing the preschool adaptations to the party plans and designing the books and website. Amy is passionate about how capable little ones are to learn and grasp biblical truths, and has a drive to equip teachers to train up toddlers and preschoolers, both at home and at church, to love and follow Jesus.

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